ST. ANDREW FIREWORKS FACTORY - Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni AD1880

Soċjeta' Filarmonika L-Unjoni
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St Andrew Fireworks Factory
Since the foundation of our Society back in 1880, various members were involved in the manufacture of fireworks for the feast of St Andrew the Apostle and eventually also for the feast of Our Lady of Consolation. Till the official opening of the current complex back in the sixties, the manufacture used to be done in isolated rooms in nearby fields. Along the years, this complex became renowned for the high-level of both aerial and ground fireworks, especially in what regards to products used.
The first official fireworks factory was opened on 13th February 1966 and was named `St Andrew Fireworks Factory`. In 2014 the fireworks complex temporarily suspended its pyrotechnic activities so that it could be enlarged and be more in line to the legal requirements. This expansion saw the stores being separated from the workshops so that the complex could be safer for its volunteers. Also, a modern piping system was installed throughout the complex. The official opening of the current premises was done on 3rd June 2018 by the former President of Malta H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, together with our current Licencee Mr Joe Aquilina.

The awards won in recent years by our factory are;
Malta Ground Fireworks Festival 2007 - Best Mechanisim;
Malta Ground Fireworks Festival 2007 - Best Pyrotechnic Products;
Malta Ground Fireworks Festival 2007 - Overall Winners;
Malta Fireworks Festival 2014 – Winners;
Malta Ground Fireworks Festival 2014 - Best Mechanisim;
Malta Ground Fireworks Festival 2014 - Best Pyrotechnic Products;
Malta Ground Fireworks Festival 2014 - Overall Winners;
Malta Records - Two Pyrotechnic wins in only six days.

Unfortunately, the complex experienced its sad moments as well. In fact, since its foundation, four members lost their lives during the manufacture of fireworks; Toninu Spiteri (1896), Felic Mizzi & Anglu Mizzi (1953) and Joseph Camilleri (1975).

Nowdays, the St Andrew Fireworks Factory is considered to be a pioneer in the pyrotechnic scene in Malta. Its team of dedicated volunteers work hard to ensure that every year the feast of St Andrew has a colourful pyrotechnic programme that attracts hundreds of enthusiasts to our village.

Soċjeta Filarmonika L-Unjoni A.D. 1880
Palazz Sant Andrija, triq Sant Andrija Luqa
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