UNION KIDS CLUB & WOMEN SECTION - Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni AD1880

Soċjeta' Filarmonika L-Unjoni
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Ladies Section & Kids Club

The Ladies Section was formed back in the eighties to attract more female members to our activities. It is also the fund-raising arm of the main committee of our Society. Through its donations, in recent years, our Society was able to do various infrastructural works such as new marble for the first level stairs, the installation of new flooring for one of the main halls and now they are working to finance a new display cabinet for old artifacts belonging to our Society.

On the other hand, the Union Kids Club was formed only recently. This was formed by a group of young parents and members of our organization with the aim to hold various activities throughout the year for the children of our members. These activities are normally held during the Easter and Christmas holidays, Halloween and also before the festa week. It is our intention to see this section evolving more, so that these children will be eventually exposed to the cultural and musical aspects of our Society.

Soċjeta Filarmonika L-Unjoni A.D. 1880
Palazz Sant Andrija, triq Sant Andrija Luqa
E: segretarjubandaunjoni@gmail.com
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